Its official name was Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum (TN DS), located at Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Provice. This national park consist of 20 litle lake, surrounded by hills and highland. As a seasonal lake, it forms an important water catchment area, and at the same time regulates the water flow through the Kapuas watershed. All the areas downstream are therefore highly dependent on the fluctuating water level of the lake. Lakes and streams in this park have a main hydrological function to regulate water level in the Kapuas River, and play an important role in maintaining fish biodiversity in the Kapuas. During the wet season, the Kapuas water will flow into the lakes. In contrast, the lake water will discharge to Kapuas during the dry season. Also, during dry season (between June and July) the park becomes a haven for fishing. It is a major source of livelihood for indigenous people who are living in this park region.
In the upper Kapuas River Basin, there are two national parks (Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Parks). These national parks are extremely important for biodiversity conservation in Borneo. Betung Kerihun National Park(800 000 Ha) is recommended to be a World Heritage Site, and Danau Sentarum National Park (132 000 Ha) is a Ramsar Site since 1994. Lake Sentarum that situated about 700 Km in the upstream of Kapuas River is rich of ecosystem biodiversity. The wetlands consist of a series of seasonal lakes, riparian forest, peat swamp forest, kerapah forest, and inundated swamp forest. Some dipterocapr forest occurs in dry land areas of surrounding hills.
This Park has some peculiar and endemic species of plant, including tengkawang (Shorea beccariana). Lowland forest plants like jelutung (Dyera costulata), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), meranti (Shorea spp.), keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.), and kayu ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) can also be found.
Danau Sentarum National Park has a variety of fish species, it is estimated that there are about 266 species. Its represent approximately 78 persen of freshwater species at Kalimantan territory. Several unique fish are Asian bony tongue (Scleropages formosus), belida (Notopterus chitala), toman (Channa micropeltes), betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata), jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni), ketutung (Balantiocheilos melanopterus), and the beautiful clown loach (Botia macracanthus).
Interesting locations/attractions
Bukit Lanjak and Nanga Kenelang: views over the lake, boating on the lake, and watching birds.
Bukit Tekenang: research facilities, including a laboratory.
The local way of life: local people was Dayak tribes like the Iban, Sebaruk, Sontas, and Punan. They still live in a very traditional way. The characteristic longhouses (betang) vary in size according to the number of people occupying them. This could be between five and 30 families. A typical longhouse occupied by fifteen to thirty families would have an average length of 186 metres and a width of 6 metres. The atmosphere of the betang is harmonious, simple, and friendly, and visitors will usually be treated to a traditional Dayak dance.
Best time to visit
June to September.
How to reach the Park
By Plane: fform Jakarta (approximately les than 1 hour) or other major cities (Jogjakarta, approximately 1 hour, and Surabaya, it takes approximately 1,5 hour).
By ship: there's regular trip from several port to Pontianak port, managed by State owned company (Pelni), private company, or traditional ship. From Jakarta port there's many ships choice, and from Semarang and Surabaya ports there's 1 trip per week schedule.
From Pontianak, there's a long travellig route, via Sintang-Semitau by four wheel drive, 11 hours; Sintang-Semitau by longboat, 7 hours. From Semitau to the Park by public boat heading for Lanjak. Pontianak-Putussibau by plane, about 2 hours; from Putussibau to Nanga Suhaid by longboat, about 7 hours.
Featuring local recipe:
Bubur padas
Bingke cake
In the upper Kapuas River Basin, there are two national parks (Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Parks). These national parks are extremely important for biodiversity conservation in Borneo. Betung Kerihun National Park(800 000 Ha) is recommended to be a World Heritage Site, and Danau Sentarum National Park (132 000 Ha) is a Ramsar Site since 1994. Lake Sentarum that situated about 700 Km in the upstream of Kapuas River is rich of ecosystem biodiversity. The wetlands consist of a series of seasonal lakes, riparian forest, peat swamp forest, kerapah forest, and inundated swamp forest. Some dipterocapr forest occurs in dry land areas of surrounding hills.
This Park has some peculiar and endemic species of plant, including tengkawang (Shorea beccariana). Lowland forest plants like jelutung (Dyera costulata), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), meranti (Shorea spp.), keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.), and kayu ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) can also be found.
Danau Sentarum National Park has a variety of fish species, it is estimated that there are about 266 species. Its represent approximately 78 persen of freshwater species at Kalimantan territory. Several unique fish are Asian bony tongue (Scleropages formosus), belida (Notopterus chitala), toman (Channa micropeltes), betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata), jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni), ketutung (Balantiocheilos melanopterus), and the beautiful clown loach (Botia macracanthus).
Interesting locations/attractions
Bukit Lanjak and Nanga Kenelang: views over the lake, boating on the lake, and watching birds.
Bukit Tekenang: research facilities, including a laboratory.
The local way of life: local people was Dayak tribes like the Iban, Sebaruk, Sontas, and Punan. They still live in a very traditional way. The characteristic longhouses (betang) vary in size according to the number of people occupying them. This could be between five and 30 families. A typical longhouse occupied by fifteen to thirty families would have an average length of 186 metres and a width of 6 metres. The atmosphere of the betang is harmonious, simple, and friendly, and visitors will usually be treated to a traditional Dayak dance.
Best time to visit
June to September.
How to reach the Park
By Plane: fform Jakarta (approximately les than 1 hour) or other major cities (Jogjakarta, approximately 1 hour, and Surabaya, it takes approximately 1,5 hour).
By ship: there's regular trip from several port to Pontianak port, managed by State owned company (Pelni), private company, or traditional ship. From Jakarta port there's many ships choice, and from Semarang and Surabaya ports there's 1 trip per week schedule.
From Pontianak, there's a long travellig route, via Sintang-Semitau by four wheel drive, 11 hours; Sintang-Semitau by longboat, 7 hours. From Semitau to the Park by public boat heading for Lanjak. Pontianak-Putussibau by plane, about 2 hours; from Putussibau to Nanga Suhaid by longboat, about 7 hours.
Featuring local recipe:
Bubur padas
Bingke cake
Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum, Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Provice
Reviewed by admin
December 23, 2008
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